Jan. 2025, Bingyan won the "Special Program for Doctoral Students of the China Association for Science and Technology's Young Talent Promotion Project."
Outstanding Tutor of the College
Dec. 2024, Jicheng won the honorary title of Outstanding Tutor of the College from ShanghaiTech University. He has been awarded this for the third consecutive year (2022, 2023, 2024)
Aerosol Research
Nov. 2024, Jicheng serves as an editorial board member of Aerosol Research
Journal cover of Advanced Materials
Oct. 2024, Binyan's paper was selected as the back cover of Advanced Materials
European Aerosol Conference 2024
Aug. 2024, many students from our group participated in the EAC2024 held in Finland and received 5 oral presentations and 3 poster presentations.
Publication in Advanced Materials
Jun. 2024, Binyan's paper was published in Advanced Materials, entitled as “Operando Colorations from Real-Time Growth of 3D-Printed Nanoarchitectures”
Journal cover of Advanced Functional Materials
Mar. 2024, Shirong's paper was selected as the back cover of Advanced Functional Materials.
Award for students
Nov. 2023, Binyan wins Outstanding Device/Graphics Award
Paper publication
Nov. 2023, Shirong's paper is published in Advanced Funcational Materials, titled as “Programmable and Parallel 3D Nanoprinting Using Configured Electric Fields”
Best Tutor Award
Nov. 2023, Jicheng received the Best Tutor Award for crediting his contribution to promote the BSc students.