Jun. 2024, Binyan's paper was published in Advanced Materials, entitled as “Operando Colorations from Real-Time Growth of 3D-Printed Nanoarchitectures”
Journal cover
Mar. 2024, Shirong's paper was selected as the back cover of Advanced Functional Materials.
Award for students
Nov. 2023, Binyan wins Outstanding Device/Graphics Award
Paper publication
Nov. 2023, Shirong's paper is published in Advanced Funcational Materials, titled as “Programmable and Parallel 3D Nanoprinting Using Configured Electric Fields”
Best Tutor Award
Nov. 2023, Jicheng received the Best Tutor Award for crediting his contribution to promote the BSc students.
Editor Highlights by Nature Electronics
Oct. 2023, Bingyan's paper is highlighted by Nature Electronics
Conference in Hefei, China
Oct. 2023, Jicheng gave an invited talk in the 14th China Aerosol Conference: The power of aerosol nanotechnology and served as the organizing committe for International Aerosol Conference 2026 that will take place in China
Award for students
Oct. 2023, Bingyan was awared the National Scholarship for PhD students, Congratulations!
Sep. 2023, Jicheng was invited to give a speech in the ceremony for the fresh year students
Editor Highlights and Featured Image
Sep. 2023, Bingyan's paper was highlighted by Nature Communications and the work was selected as Featured Image. The Editors’ Highlights aim to showcase the 50 best papers recently published in an area.